Membership Renewal

Contact Information

P.O. Box 643
Ruckersville, VA 22968
Email Us  


  • Renewal Options
    Gold Renewal: $250
    Silver Renewal: $180
    Standard Renewal: $150
    Non-profit Renewal: $75

    Thank you for using our on-line renewal system.

    All dues are payable by January 31, 2025 to maintain your membership in good standing. After that you will be required to re-join as a new member and pay the additional $30 administrative fee.

    – The Standard Membership renewal fee is $150 if you renew between December and February.

    – A Gold Membership which provides additional recognition on our website, monthly posts on social media as well as recognition at various events during the year. The Gold Membership rate is $250 per year.

    – A Silver Membership which provides additional recognition on our website, quarterly posts on social media as well as recognition at various events during the year. The Silver Membership rate is $180 per year.

    – Our Non-profit Membership which requires 501(c)3 status and will be featured in one of our monthly chamber chatter non-profit spot lights. The Non-profit Membership rate is $75 per year.

    NOTE: Once you submit your renewal application you will receive an invoice through QuickBooks where you can pay directly from the invoice via a credit card or ACH payment. If you prefer to renew by check, please make checks payable to the Greene County Chamber of Commerce and mail to Greene COC, P.O. Box 643, Ruckersville, VA 22968.

    Membership Renewal Form

    Membership Renewal Form

    (Blanks with an * are mandatory)

    Maximum file size: 10MB


    PLEASE click “Renew Now” only once
    and allow several seconds for your request to process.